Introducing NotSoBasic



We wear clothing to forget about our bodies, to stay warm and dry. We need the basics or essentials of clothing. These essentials include socks, underwear, shirts, or tees.

Clothing overload

Every day we decide what clothing to wear. The more diverse our closet becomes, the harder it becomes to choose. The paradox of choice kicks in. As we purchase more colors, styles, and sizes, we increase the closet complexity. With more choices, we deal with clothing overload.

Wear and tear

Clothing shows wear and tear over time. Clothing stains and loses color, no matter how pristine it's kept. What we wear requires constant upgrades, constant renewal. This renewal process is at the core of the clothing industry.

Ecommerce takes off

As COVID-19 spreads throughout the world, people are forced to adopt new habits. Physical distancing measures mean that fewer people are shopping today than in 2019. In 2020, consumers want the convenience of shopping online, from the comfort of their homes. Consumers want retailers and clothing brands to be online. Consumers want convenience when it comes to shopping, clothing, or anything else.

Growing subscription boxes

Many services send subscription boxes directly to customers (DTC). A subscription box is a DTC service that sends mail every month. WohvenLoot TeesTeeBloxDudePerfectMonthly Tee ClubForma Supply Co.Nerdy Tees by Nerdy PostFor DaysParaBoxInto The AM T-Shirt ClubDudePerfect T-Shirt ClubTomorrow’s Laundry Essentials ClubFrank & Oak Style Plan come to mind.

Introducing NotSoBasic: Modern Clothing Subscription Box

NotSoBasic (NSB) is a subscription box that ships the essentials of clothing every month directly to consumers. With NSB, consumers no longer have to go to the store to resupply their stock. Consumers use NotSoBasic to buy clothing on-demand and receive monthly top-ups.

NotSoBasic Features


NotSoBasic is an e-commerce store that allows customers to order clothing online without leaving their home (or being exposed to COVID-19). NotSoBasic is powered by Commerce.js, a headless commerce solution, and Next.js, a modern React.js framework.

Subscription box (or monthly club)

NSB is a monthly club where consumers receive mail after having specified their preferences and sizes. NotSoBasic is a subscription box that ships tees/shirts, socks, and underwear regularly (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or yearly).

Support for clothing styles

NotSoBasic is tailored for men and women. Men use NSB to dress in style (casual, smart casual, business casual, business attire, black tie, or white tie). Women use NSB to wear casual or active clothing. NotSoBasic also supports sports-specific clothing (running, biking, or swimming).

NotSoBasic Benefits

Reduce time shopping

NotSoBasic allows consumers to receive monthly clothing without asking them to visit retail or physical stores. With NSB, consumers shop online. Consumers bypass time sinks: driving and waiting-in-line.

Shopping convenience

NSB allows consumers and shoppers to shop online in the comfort of their own houses. As physical distancing measures prevent people from coming close to each other, shopping is evolving to go from retail to online. Shopping from home becomes the norm.

Simplify wardrobe

NotSoBasic allows shoppers to buy essential clothing and forget about wardrobe upgrades. With NSB, consumers simplify their wardrobe by focusing on the essentials.

Entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs have long discovered how to deal with information overload - by reducing choice. Mark Zuckerberg, Founder/CEO of Facebook, only wears grey t-shirts at conferences. Mark buys the same t-shirt, in multiple quantities.

"I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community." -- Mark Zuckerberg, Founder/CEO at Facebook


NotSoBasic allows people to make fewer decisions about clothing and more decisions about life. NSB allows people to re-purchase their favorite clothing and replace worn-out clothing.

The not-so-basic tee is designed to fit the modern man and woman. The not-so-basic socks are designed to be worn by adults of all cultures. The not-so-basic underwear is meant to be simple yet comfortable.

Next Step

Interested to build the future of subscription boxes? Contact me about NotSoBasic.

Want to deploy your own geolocation-based NFTs? Reach out to slavakurilyak.eth on Blockscan Chat.

Created by Slava Kurilyak (slavakurilyak.eth)